Healthy and successful people who understand the brands of wine and other alcoholic beverages do not want to enjoy a glass of good alcohol. However, most people today are constantly asking themselves: how and what kind of alcohol to drink to avoid harm to their health? The answer is in this article!
The secret is actually simple. In order not to cause great harm to your body, you should follow the culture of drinking alcohol. All you have to do is follow a few simple rules.
Do not drink on an empty stomach
If you want to go to a bar in the morning without eating breakfast, even your favorite drink will not bring you any pleasure. The fact is that alcohol, which falls on an empty stomach, immediately enters the bloodstream. And you will be faster and more intoxicated. The result - a loss of control over movements and a strong hangover in the morning. In addition, the alcohol in it irritates the intestinal fibers that are responsible for the absorption of nutrients into the stomach. And this can cause gastrointestinal upset, which will occur some time after drinking.
The best choice before drinking any alcoholic beverage is a high-calorie lunch or dinner with fats and proteins. It could be an omelette with vegetables, fish or some bread dishes. Also, when drinking, do not forget a good snack with nutritious food: meat, seafood salad or whole grain bread sandwich. And you will not have any problems.
But we remind you again: know when you will stop!
Drink slowly
It is worth drinking alternative drinks not only slowly, but also with ordinary clean water. Alcohol is a diuretic. Dehydrates the body quicklyThe next morning there are unpleasant sensations and dry mouth. Water that enters the body with alcohol makes it possible to get rid of such feelings. You also need to make sure you have mineral water in the morning. But drinking water will not protect your liver and get rid of drunkenness. It will only make it easier to hang. Therefore, the question of the amount of alcohol consumed is always relevant, even if this reserve method is used.

Take an interest in the literature on the effects of alcoholism
The problem of alcoholism is very acute in our time. And in this regard, a fairly popular literature is published in which the consequences of excessive consumption of strong alcoholic beverages are expressed in an accessible way. There is also a lot of information about the workload of the human brain, heart and liver. Reading like this may require you to reconsider some of your thoughts about drinking. But no one wants to scare you or forbid you to drink. You are your own master. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.
Stick to certain rules
If you make certain rules for yourself to drink alcohol and strictly follow them, it will help you not to break under any circumstances. Promise never to drink alone. It is known that low-alcohol drinks do not need a company. They can be perfectly intoxicated by themselves without friends and even without a reason (although finding a reason for them is not a problem). Of course, try not to drink for 2-3 days in a row.
Prolonged binge will not give you pleasure, but it will take away your strength and health. Plus, it will really fit in your pocket. Many experts do not call for strict restriction of hard liquor. They admit that 100 milliliters will not do much harm to the body. But they still warn you to know when to stop. Where this event is, everyone must decide for themselves.
Avoid unfamiliar drinks
The aftermath of any unknown cocktail can be quite sad and unexpected. To avoid severe poisoning, try to avoid unfamiliar liquids. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't try something new. And don't forget about the amount you drink just to appreciate the taste and strength of the drink. And if the evening promises to be long, it is better to drink a well-known, familiar alcoholic beverage.

Have a drink at the banquet. Vodka champagne, wine rum, vodka and cola are not what you need to have fun. These cocktails are real health killers. They all contain a lot of calories. It is also a blow to the cardiovascular system, liver and stomach. To minimize damage, try to prefer quality red and white wines. Rich in antioxidants, has only 120 calories per cup, tastes and smells good. All this is worth standing on, not in cheap cocktails or high-calorie strong mixes.
Prefer low-alcohol drinks
You should pay attention to the label when choosing alcohol. The most important information is the amount of ethyl alcohol it contains. Must be minimal. In this case, your body will suffer less from alcohol intoxication. You can slowly have a low-alcohol drink at any party. And no one will ask you why you don't drink.
Develop your taste
Expensive alcoholic beverages are worth their money for a reason. A quality aged whiskey or wine from a well-known brand is always better than cheap vodka or bottled powdered wine. Elite drinks do not harm your body, especially the liver. Determine the taste, find between good and expensive drinks. Drink less, but stick to a quality product. In this way, you will not only protect your health, but also enjoy your drink to the maximum.

Be concerned with your alcohol choices
Try not to consume gluten-containing drinks. It is a complex protein that is a component of most cereals. Practically insoluble in water. And because these drinks contain a lot of calories, they can cause excess weight. Gluten-free drinks include barley and malt-based beer and wheat vodka.
Therefore, it is better to drink a glass of red wine at a party with your friends. In an acceptable proportion, it promotes the assimilation of fatty high-calorie foods. In addition, red wine is rich in antioxidants that are good for the body. If you still love spirits, opt for a glass of whiskey with ice, rum, tequila or gin. They do not contain gluten. Never drink alcohol with Coca-Cola, it contains a lot of sugar.
Do not forget about vitamins
Excessive and frequent alcohol consumption can lead to vitamin B and C deficiency in the body. In this case, experts strongly recommend updating them after a stormy visit. You should include fresh vegetables, berries and citrus fruits in your menu.
Do not look for a reason to drink
People who drink to drink, as a rule, try to find an excuse. In a situation where a thought dominates us, we enslave ourselves: "You can't help drinking, that's what you have to do. "But when it comes to health, you should always try to separate the cause from the desire. You don't have to drink alcohol to meet friends or spend an evening in a warm atmosphere. On the other hand, you don't need a reason to open a good expensive wine with a close person.

Call a taxi
Do not drive, even with minimal alcohol consumption. Remember that this simple rule will help to protect life and health not only for you, but also for the people around you. Even if the respirator in your hand does not show anything critical, as a rule, accept alcohol without a car. Call a taxi or a sober driver, everything will be fine. Remember that even the smallest dose of alcohol can have tragic consequences.
If you follow these simple tips, you will protect not only your health, but also your common sense and good mood.