How to stop drinking forever?

Alcohol addiction, supported by myths and strange expressions, ensnares a large number of people every year. The problem of drunkenness is more relevant than ever: according to statistics, only 20 percent of people drink alcohol no more than 2-3 times a month. Others drink more often, not even realizing that they are already addicted to green snake or halfway through addiction. When health begins to fail or relatives demand to settle down, the drinker asks himself: how to stop drinking forever, is it possible without coding?

Understand the problem

Drinkers rarely admit to being very close friends with alcohol. Like, I only drink beer on weekends, but my neighbor drinks vodka every day. When is it worth considering whether your behavior crosses the fine line between "occasional drinking" and alcoholism?

  • If you drink alcohol more than once a month.
  • If you drink not one glass, but to the point of intoxication.
  • If alcohol is an indispensable means of relaxation and relaxation for you.

Even the presence of the two factors mentioned above indicates the risk of alcohol addiction or has already begun.

After passing the mini-test, a person must admit that he still has problems with alcohol. At this stage, the drinker makes many excuses for his behavior. But each of them can be refuted by thinking logically.

  • I don't drink, I just relax. Alcohol brings an imaginary sense of comfort. Shortly after drinking alcohol, the body has to work hard to rid itself of alcohol poisoning. When the dose is too high, the hangover with its unpleasant and painful symptoms begins. What holiday are we talking about?
  • I drink because I have problems. Every person has two kinds of problems in life: either they need to be solved or they are not worth worrying about. Addiction to just one glass causes more problems than before: work, family, health loss.
  • How to quit drinking alcohol
  • I drink because my life is hard. For few people, being on this earth seems like a fun ride. Say you have a hard life, starving children of Africa, terminally ill, orphans in orphanages.

As you can see, any argument in defense of drunkenness can be refuted, but the drinker must do it himself, finally admit that he has been deceiving himself and others all this time.

Steps to Sobriety

A small percentage of alcoholics may decide to say goodbye to alcohol once and for all. A promise made to oneself or loved ones after a week overshadows the strong urge to drink that quitters can't resist. Relapses occur because the alcoholic fails to understand that sobriety is a goal that must be progressed gradually, in small but sure steps.

  • It is impossible to give up alcohol immediately after drinking for a long time. This is fraught with additional stress on the heart and nervous system. Before giving up alcohol, it is necessary to cleanse the body of its rotten products. This can be done both in a medical hospital under the drops and at home. Medicines sold on the Internet are suitable for the last option. They not only help to remove toxins, but also reduce the desire to drink.
  • the clock symbolizes the cleansing of the body when alcohol is given up

    Do not abuse folk methods for cleansing the body: medicinal plants also have contraindications and can cause exacerbation of diseases.

  • When the head is clear and the hands are not shaking, you should understand that you can get rid of alcohol addiction only by giving up any alcohol in any dose forever. This requires motivation: the desire not to spoil health, the fear of losing a job or family.
  • How many people who wanted to stop drinking cried out under the weight of withdrawal. You need to know the enemy personally, therefore, stepping on the path of sobriety, you need to remember that the body will react and require a dose of ethanol:
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • self-pity;
  • a feeling of emptiness in life;
  • weakness and unwillingness to do anything.

Alcohol weaning can last anywhere from six to 18 months.

a person who wants to stop drinking

Activities that promote sobriety

If life seems gray and monotonous, how to stop drinking forever? This is the main task of giving up drinking - to radically change your lifestyle, get rid of bad habits and acquire useful habits that contribute to sobriety.

  • First, you will have to avoid companies where everyone drinks. You shouldn't tell your friends or ex-drinking buddies, "I want to stop drinking. " They'll probably try to dissuade you from doing such a "crazy" thing.
  • You need to do sports. Have you sat down with a beer while rooting for the football team? Now it is better to handle the ball alone. And if there is no more health for active sports, a little running will never hurt.
  • Find a hobby. After giving up alcohol, life seems boring, so you need to find a way to fix it. Since you no longer have to buy alcohol, the money can be spent on a hobby, whether it's collecting, woodcarving, or fishing. A woman who drinks can find relief in yoga or massage sessions. The main thing is to meet like-minded people who support a healthy lifestyle.
  • You need to get rid of bad habits. The body suffering from the effects of alcohol for years takes on other bad habits: smoking, eating fast food, gathering in front of the computer at night. Giving up at least half of them will give you energy and strength to move forward.

After many years of friendship with alcohol, sobriety does not come immediately, you will have to accumulate a lot of patience on the way to it.