What alcohol can be taken during the diet?

A person who is forced to follow a diet for one reason or another should consider the possibility of combining alcohol with a diet before drinking it. Strong alcohol in a diet can only harm the body and prevent you from losing extra weight, because many alcoholic beverages with high ethanol content are high in calories. However, this does not mean that you should not drink alcohol while dieting. Some drinks can be combined equally with your diet.

Features of alcoholic beverages

Is it possible to drink wine during the diet

Often, when losing weight, we count the number of calories in the food on the table, but ordinary and alcoholic beverages are not taken into account. Some believe that alcohol can only control the amount of food they eat, and therefore do not drink at all.

However, not all of us know that some alcohol (low-calorie) in a diet, on the contrary, is useful, because it helps to improve digestion, speed up metabolic processes, which will create favorable conditions for weight loss. In this case, you need to know exactly what alcohol can be consumed during the diet, as well as whether it is possible to drink strong alcohol in the diet.

To understand what alcohol you can drink during a diet, you need to study the effects on the body. Thus, it should be noted that any alcoholic beverage contains ethanol. It is a fairly high-calorie substance that is well absorbed by our body. There is the following classification of alcohol:

  • non-distilled alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer;
  • purified, ie distilled beverages, ie vodka, whiskey, alcohol.

Alcohol will help you lose weight in such cases:

  1. If you drink at a holiday party, you will inevitably have to eat, and because alcohol increases your appetite, you can eat more than is provided in your diet.
  2. Strong alcohol is high in calories. That is, if you drink vodka, cognac, whiskey and other strong alcoholic beverages, you can begin to recover, which will waste all your efforts during the diet.
  3. Alcoholic beverages that contain large amounts of sugar, yeast or other food components (cream, milk, eggs, various flavors) should not be consumed during the diet, as they help to lose weight quickly. It is better to drink alcohol with a minimum amount of carbohydrates.
  4. No matter how much alcohol we drink, it's worth remembering that ethyl alcohol slows down fat processing. As a result, you will not be able to lose weight, but you will not be able to lose weight on such a diet.
  5. In addition, taking low-alcohol drinks on a regular basis helps to disrupt metabolic processes in the body. This leads to the development of alcoholism and overweight.

Alcohol is allowed during the diet

white and red wine for weight loss

Now let's understand what you can drink with a diet? If we evaluate the caloric content of all alcoholic beverages, it will be the highest calorie drink, because it contains a lot of sugar and other food additives that give a certain taste. Therefore, it is better to refrain from using it during a diet.

Drinks based on grape juice are allowed during the diet. It is not only low in calories, but also very useful because it contains many useful substances, trace elements and acids. Therefore, you can be sure that you can drink wine while maintaining a diet. This is possible and even necessary because wine contains substances that help to lose weight:

  • Tartaric acid increases the acidity of gastric juice, which significantly improves digestion. However, people with high acidity should be careful, because wine can damage the digestive system.
  • When wine is consumed in small amounts, the nutrients in the drink improve metabolic processes in the body, which is very useful for people on a diet.
  • Drinking a little wine once a day will help improve iron absorption, which will have a beneficial effect on blood composition and well-being.
  • Red wine contains a special substance that reduces the amount of insulin in the body. This will have a positive effect on your weight loss, as it has already been proven that insulin helps you lose weight.

However, in a diet, it is also important which wine you drink, because which grape drinks have different composition and strength.


Is it possible to drink red wine when losing weight

Wine should be preferred when deciding what to drink during the diet. It is important to consider the caloric content of wine. For example, if you decide to drink champagne, you need to know the sugar content of this drink:

  • the caloric content of semi-dry champagne is about 80 kcal, 100 grams of alcohol contains up to 9 grams of sugar;
  • slightly sparkling wine with a low sugar concentration and up to 70 kcal;
  • up to 89 kcal in semi-sweet champagne and 1. 2% sugar;
  • a sweet carbonated drink contains 92 kcal and 1. 5% carbohydrates per 100 g;
  • Gross contains 57 kcal and 0. 3 percent carbohydrates.

As you can see, gross can be an ideal choice for alcoholic beverages during the diet because it is the lowest calorie. Natural wines will be a good alternative to brute, but the calorie content should also be considered:

  • dessert wines are the highest in calories, containing about 178 kcal per 100 g of drink;
  • the caloric content of strong wines reaches 165 kcal;
  • sweet types of red wine - up to 100 kcal;
  • semi-sweet red wines - about 90 kcal;
  • semi-dry wine drinks - not more than 80 kcal;
  • dry white wine - about 70 kcal.

From this list, the best option for diet nutrition will be the last option with the lowest calories, but you can also buy a glass of red dry or semi-dry wine. Regular consumption of small amounts of red wine has been shown to rejuvenate the skin and prolong the health of the heart, blood vessels and joints. And all thanks to the polyphenols in red wine.

Tip:If you want to drink strong or sweet wine, dilute it with a little drinking water. This will reduce the calorie content and sugar concentration of the product.


Is it possible to drink beer during the diet

If you like beer a lot, you are allowed to drink this light type of low-alcohol drink in the diet, because it has fewer calories due to the decrease in strength. However, there is no need to drink beer with salty snacks, because it will make you want to drink more, and this will force you to drink more beer than you should.

It is worth remembering that drinking beer increases the excretion of urine, which helps to flush out potassium, magnesium and other nutrients from the body. Beer also contains many natural estrogens that promote fat storage. If you choose light beer, pay attention to the calorie content:

  • 4% strength beer has the most calories (46 kcal);
  • in a drink with a strength of not more than 2. 8%, only 35 kcal;
  • Only 30 kcal in 1. 8% sparkling alcohol.

Recommended!If you intend to drink shakes while dieting, use Diet Coke instead of the usual sugary drink to prepare.

Alcohol is prohibited in the diet

Vodka, cognac and other strong alcoholic beverages are considered the highest calorie, so it is better to avoid them during the diet. Thus, every 100 grams of vodka contains 260 kcal. Other vodka-based alcoholic beverages are also worth giving up. The amount of calories in it is distributed as follows:

  • tequila contains about 275 kcal;
  • anise vodka contains 300 kcal;
  • Sake - 260 kcal;
  • rum, gin, tonic - up to 220 kcal;
  • whiskey - 280 kcal;
  • sweet liqueurs - up to 280 kcal.

If you want to drink as little as possible, try not to drink on an empty stomach. If you order a liqueur or cocktail, completely give up the sweet dessert. Generally, they drink a little liqueur and do not eat anything because it is high in calories.